
Toute l'actualité de L'ANPI-GABON

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The 1st Gabon-France Economic Forum took place on Wednesday 29 May 2024 at the Salons Hoche in Paris. Under the theme: a new economic partnership, this major event was jointly organised by the Ministry of the Economy and Participations, the National Investment Promotion Agency (ANPI-GABON), the Federation of Gabonese Enterprises (FEG), and the Movement of International French Enterprises (MEDEF). 

The main aim of the Forum was to revitalise economic cooperation between the two countries and encourage win-win investment. As a result, several MoUs and contracts were signed, enabling Gabon to mobilise nearly 700 billion CFA francs for strategic priority projects in the road, rail, water, energy and urban sanitation infrastructure sectors.

More than 600 participants, including members of the government, business leaders from the MEDEF, the FEG and the diaspora, met and networked during the plenary sessions, panels, themed round tables and B2B meetings.

The closing ceremony was attended by the President of the Transition, President of the Republic, Head of State, Brigadier General Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA, who was the guest of honour.

The closing ceremony included speeches by Mr Mays MOUISSI, Minister of the Economy and Participations, who summarised the proceedings, Mr Philippe LA Bonne, Chairman of the Africa Committee of MEDEF International and Mr Franck RIESTER, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, the French-speaking World and French Nationals Abroad, who expressed their satisfaction with the smooth running of this 1st edition of the Gabon-France Forum.  

In his speech, the Gabonese President invited French companies to invest in Gabon in order to give substance to this new dynamic, and above all to perpetuate this initiative for the renewal of economic relations between Gabon and France.

About ANPI-Gabon 

ANPI-Gabon's mission is to create businesses, promote investment and exports, support entrepreneurship and facilitate public-private dialogue by acting as the Permanent Secretariat of the High Investment Council (HCI). The Agency plays a key role in implementing the Transformation Acceleration Plan through the Private Investment Promotion Taskforce.

About the Gabonese Federation of Enterprises 

The Fédération des Entreprises du Gabon (FEG) is a key player in the Gabonese economy, whose members currently represent and produce almost 80% of the country's GDP and over 90% of the formal workforce.

About the Mouvement des Entreprises Françaises (MEDEF) International

MEDEF International is the leading private French network for the promotion of French companies in emerging and developing markets. With a dual mission of influence and business development, MEDEF International carries out 200 actions a year, in France and abroad, to facilitate exchanges, federate and promote the solutions of French companies.