
Toute l'actualité de L'ANPI-GABON

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On Tuesday 01 October 2024, the United States Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Agence Nationale de Promotion des Investissements du Gabon (ANPI-Gabon), organised the United States-Gabon Business Leaders Roundtable in Washington DC, in the presence of His Excellency Brigadier General Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA, President of the Transition, Head of State of the Gabonese Republic, under the theme: « Strengthening trade and investment relations between the United States and Gabon ».

Alongside the President of the Republic, the Round Table brought together several leading members of the US Chamber of Commerce's US-Africa Business Centre, businessmen and women from the United States of America, as well as representatives of the World Bank and other multilateral financial institutions. The opening ceremony was marked by a welcome address from Ms Kendra Gaither, President of the US-Africa Business Centre, and a keynote speech from its Guest of Honour Brigadier General Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA, President of the Transition, as well as the announcement of the official launch of the Gabon Investment Guide to America.

The objective of this highly strategic meeting was to consolidate exchanges between business leaders through constructive dialogue, to strengthen bilateral economic ties, and to enhance collaboration between business communities with a view to deepening economic cooperation and mutually beneficial trade relations between the United States and Gabon. The Roundtable concluded with the signing of six memorandums of understanding in strategic sectors such as energy, hydrocarbons, agriculture, health and digital.

About ANPI-Gabon

ANPI-Gabon's mission is to create businesses, promote investment and exports, support entrepreneurship and facilitate public-private dialogue by acting as the Permanent Secretariat of the High Investment Council (HCI). The Agency plays a key role in implementing the Transformation Acceleration Plan through the Private Investment Promotion Taskforce.

About the U.S. Chamber of Commerce USCC

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) is the largest business organization in the United States, representing more than three million businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Its primary mission is to promote and defend the interests of U.S. businesses by influencing legislation, providing advisory services, and conducting lobbying campaigns at the national and international levels. The USCC engages in a variety of activities, including economic research, education, advocacy for pro-business policies, and trade dispute resolution.