As part of the implementation of its promotion and support missions for SMEs, the National Agency for the Promotion of Investments in Gabon (ANPI-Gabon), organized a campaign to support entrepreneurs through the whole country called "ANPI-Gabon is committed! »
The city of Moanda hosted the first stage of this campaign from December 20 to 22, 2022. And during this mission, 52 project leaders were supported.
As a reminder, it was a question of accompanying project leaders from the localities of Moanda, Mounana and Bakoumba, in collaboration with the Cabinet M. Brown Partner, in the creation of their companies. The ultimate objective is to support project leaders in areas of activity relating to the maintenance of green spaces, garbage collection; Services ; agriculture; construction and logistics.
To do this, ANPI-Gabon offered the beneficiaries:
Assistance in setting up business creation files;
- Assistance with the creation of online businesses via the Guichet Numérique de l’Investissement (GNI);
- Training in business management strategy.