
Toute l'actualité de L'ANPI-GABON

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MEDEF International prospecting mission in Gabon

From Monday 05 to Tuesday 06 December 2022, a prospecting mission from the Mouvement des Entreprises de France International (MEDEF) will stay in Libreville, Gabon. This visit follows the meeting between the Minister in charge of Investment Promotion, Mr. Hugues MBADINGA MADIYA, who was accompanied by the Director General of the National Agency for the Promotion of Investments (ANPI-Gabon), Mr. Ghislain MOANDZA MBOMA, and the Director General of MEDEF Mr. Philippe Gauthier.

This preliminary working session made it possible to lay the foundations that would facilitate investments by MEDEF member companies in Gabon with a view to developing value chains, which are essential for import substitution. Also, during this Libreville mission, MEDEF International will have to meet Gabonese government institutions and private sector players, the challenge being to identify investment and partnership opportunities in the sectors Energy, infrastructure, agriculture, environment and digital.

To do this, an Invest In Gabon session is organized on Monday, December 05, 2022 at the Radisson Blu hotel, with the participation of the main State vehicles such as the Gabonese Fund for Strategic Investments (FGIS), the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation du Gabon (CDC) and the Executive Secretariat of the National Council for the Acceleration Plan for Transformation (PAT).

It should be remembered that Gabon and France maintain excellent, rich and varied relations at all levels of cooperation marked by centuries-old friendship and a common economic and political will. ANPI-Gabon in its strategic effort to boost economic diplomacy actively monitors exchanges with French employers.